Three A Studios

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Why you should create your own gallery and exhibitions - The White Cube is everywhere!

I was scrolling through Instagram one day when I ran across a video of a street photographer talking about the white cube (exhibitions & galleries). He made a very good point that you don't need an actual physical location or gallery to have an exhibition.

Today, social media is a very integrated part of peoples day-to-day and as a result photographers can have an exhibition every day if they wanted. I normally post three photos at a time when I post on Instagram which you can think of as a mini exhibition. Each post has a common theme and astatic.

This really inspired me because I define myself as a fine art photographer however because of my day job, time is limited and talking to gallery's is not always easy. In using the internet as my White Cube, I can focus more on my art. Instead of going out and looking for opportunities i will create them.

The idea here is to use both the internet and social media to your advantage. You can sell/show your work on your own website, Instagram or even a virtual room. You can place your work in a royalty free photo of a room/gallery. The possibilities are endless. There are even virtual reality software/services that can integrate with your web site.

Their are three reasons why you should create your own gallery and exhibitions is that you can focus on your art and not worry about going out and meeting gallery owners and seeing spaces. You don’t have to wait for a gallery to approve your work and pick and choose what will go in your exhibition, you can curate your own exhibition. You can reach more eyes for your work online then you could by showing your work physically. In this day and age the internet is our White Cube, use it.

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